Thanks to everyone who is reading my book (or has it on the way via email). I expect some good constructive criticism within the next month or so! 😛 I’m mostly looking to fix typos, spelling, grammar, etc. I did go through and edit it myself, but I’m sure I missed some things.
As my cousin so greatly pointed out, this will probably not be the best thing I’ve ever written. That actually makes me feel a lot better. This is my first attempt, so I’m expecting it to be the worse thing I’ve ever written. It can only get better from here. I just hope the story is enough that people want to continue reading about Alex and her adventures.
And now, for the summary (again, with the help of my cousin, who is now writing his own book):
50 years ago, Zeus, Inc., and its CEO, the mysterious Joseph Brentwood, saved the world from a major energy crisis by discovering a new unlimited energy resource. Now, in 2059, Mr. Brentwood has gone missing and private eye Alex Grosjean has been hired to find him by his daughter (and Alex’s best friend), Aleisha.
Black-outs begin to occur all over the world and somehow Alex believes it’s tied to Mr. Brentwood’s disappearance. Her search leads her through her own murky past and into the depths of Hell itself, where she discovers that Mr. Brentwood is not who or what he seems to be.
With the help of an otherworldly man named Pip, Alex must save both Mr. Brentwood and the world. But will she be able to face her own guilty past in order to do it?
And even better, I made a cover! It took me forever to find a good stock photo that I felt represented Alex fairly enough and this girl was close. I found one on iStock I liked better, but it was $10 vs. $20, so I went with this one from Dreamstime. I like how it came out. The city in the background is Memphis, where the story takes place (well, sort of, it’s a future version of Memphis).
Next up? I’m researching the KDP program from Amazon. The only issue is that I have to give Amazon exclusivity on the novel for 90 days and I’m not sure if I want to do that or not. I’m going to ask around and see if it’s worth it. Maybe it’s a better option for a second novel? Anyway, I will be publishing to Smashwords, which will distribute to B&N, Apple, etc. And then I’ll have to submit to Amazon separately. But I guess this thing is really a go! I’m so freakin’ excited. I look at the cover and think “OMG, THAT’S MINE!”
Then, of course, I’m trying to decide marketing. I sort of want to just use my one website to market the book and all things Robin. Because I do not need yet another site to keep up with. Do you think that’s feasible? And that way, I can use the blog to promote it (and the existing reader base I already have built with the blog).
Still a little bit to figure out, but the formatting is done (until I upload it to Smashwords and see how well I did) and I now have a PDF version of the novel.
So now I’m going to wait a few months for reader feedback and go from there. Be on the look-out!