So now while my friends and advance review copy folks are reading my novel, I merely wait. My cousin has been very good about getting me edits as soon as he finds them and it’s mostly (fortunately) little stuff: typos, grammar issues and the occasional mis-placed punctuation. So far, so good, right?
Meanwhile, I saw Prometheus (absolutely brilliant movie) and something about that film sparked my creative juices. I’ve been toying with an idea for a few months now – a post-apocalyptic (I blame Fallout 3) science fiction novel. And now, I seem to have a general idea of how to start it. I’d already done some small character biographies, but now I’m working on things for the story itself. This involves researching things like synthetic biology and bio-robotics, as well as various religions’ theories on the apocalypse. The novel is temporarily titled The Book of Revelations and if inspiration continues to hit, I’m thinking it could be a trilogy of sorts. Something epic. However, that’s putting the cart before the horse, as I only have two chapters outlined so far.
There’s also the matter of the sequel to Zeus, Inc., but I think I need a break from Alex and her world for awhile. But I want to write, my fingers are itching. I had planned to use NaNoWriMo again for my next novel, but I’m not sure I can wait until November. I suppose we shall see. Writing a book is hard work, especially when I’m also still carrying a day job, which includes writing for DVICE and developing websites (the latter of which I would like to no longer do, if given a choice).
I also have my vacation to Paris coming up in less than three months now. I was so inspired there last year, that I sort of want to hold off and wait and see what happens this year.
I’m also currently in rehearsals for “And Then There Was Nun,” a hilarious play I’m doing with the Bootheel Community Theatre Group. Two weeks until our first curtain! Eep!
Life is, ultimately, very busy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Meanwhile, one of my cats, Karma, didn’t want me to watch a scary movie last night:
Actually, I lied. I was watching Community. I have no idea what this was about, but she kept trying to cover my eyes.