I have been plodding away at The Curse of Hekate as I can, but I have been absolutely crazy busy so I’m squeezing in an hour here and hour there as I can. I’m three chapters in and I’m quite happy with the direction the novel is taking in the re-writes. Two of those three chapters are brand new and were both something I felt the beginning of the story needed. I hope to get some more writing time in today.
I’ve also done a slew of interviews (or it feels like a slew). On Friday, I had a chance to talk to Sam Witwer and Anna Fricke from Syfy’s Being Human for FanGirlConfessions.com. Syfy has been really great in reaching out to me as a blogger and inviting me to all of these cool Q&A conference calls and I enjoy them immensely. I’ve been a huge fan of Sam’s since Battlestar Galactica, so it was amazing to speak to him in person. He’s very personable and probably one of the easiest actors I’ve ever spoken to.
Tomorrow, I continue the Being Human theme. I have a Q&A with Sam Huntington and Kristen Hager, the two actors who play werewolves on the show. On Wednesday, I have a call with some of the cast from Continuum, which my Canadian friends have told me is awesome. And on Thursday, I’m talking to Anna Silk and Ksenia Solo from Lost Girl.
I’ve also been getting in touch with a lot of awesome indie game developers and will be doing interviews about some of their upcoming projects. They all have people on their team that I’ve been in awe with for some time, so I’m really excited about that, too.
For me, writing is more than just the novel, but balancing the novel out with the other sites I write for. But the fact that I can make a living at doing something I love still surprises me, at times. And I think that maybe other authors, seeking to make a living as writers, should consider other opportunities to write. Every little article keeps you writing and keeps you in practice so that you never have the chance to get rusty.
Finally, the Gallifrey One con is coming up in a little over a month. I look forward to it every year and this year is no exception. I’m also a cosplayer (although I’m still a noob) and put together my first femme Doctor costume this year. I went with 9 as I felt I could do him justice and had a test run of the costume yesterday. What I really love about femme Doctor cosplay is that you can take the basic idea of the character and then use your own personal creativity to re-draw him as a she. It also gives you a lot of flexiblity as a cosplayer as you can very often find the pieces you need for your costume in your own closet.
So without further ado, I give you test Femme 9:

Femme 9 Cosplay