Last year, I was fortunate enough to be a guest at ConGT in Clarksville, TN. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be a guest again this year, too!
So that makes me, a Dalek and Colin Baker all in the same place at once. I’m sure that’s a recipe for a lot of fun.
I also plan to have copies of all of my books available at the con, so if you want to get something signed, you’ll have your chance.
You can get more details about ConGT on its website
Finally, I know I’ve neglected this site a little bit, but that’s because I’ve been working on getting the third book of the Zeus Inc. saga ready to go. It’s called Return of the Titans and I’ll have a release date ready to announce very soon.
I’m also going to Germany and Austria in a week, so I’ll be sure to post photos and blog about my adventures there.