I am Henry VIII, I am

http://www.flickr.com/photos/fragmentsgallery/sets/72157622187254833/show/ Saturday’s night dinner started out with a nice glass of an Italian cabernet. My first Italian wine. I have obviously had American wine, as well as South African, but never Italian. A shame! Anyway, the hotel restaurant was apparently fairly authentic. The staff were Italian. I have not had real Italian since I lived…

I Think Big Ben Missed Me

So yesterday was a busy day. I spent the morning taking a tour of St. Paul’s Cathedral. There is a sort of church theme going on here, is there not? It is as stunning as Notre Dame in a completely different way. I was again moved by the beauty within. And the stories about how…

Drunken Impressionism

Sorry about the lack of a post today. I just got in and it is nearly midnight! Today was busy and I didn’t take the time to type up a post. But I am still alive and well in London and loving every single minute of it! I wistfully have been pretending that I live…

London Calling

I am already thinking about my next trip to Europe. I must go back to Paris. I loved it! C’est une belle ville. So maybe I will be planning Paris trip number 2 soon. I love Europe. We don’t have this sort of history and art and architecture in the states. Our country is too…

London, Part 2

http://www.flickr.com/photos/fragmentsgallery/sets/72157608664989884/show/ The London Diaries Day Three: Old Stuff   We took the train back to London from Stratford. In front of us were some really funny guys that were joking around, so the trip was entertaining until they got off of the train. I took one of them up on a bet for a fiver…